Babereki Dignity Plan Brokerages Pty Ltd.
A Registered Financial Services Provider
Babereki Dignity Plan Brokerages Pty Ltd, hereafter referred to as “Babereki”, is a funeral brokerage company established by Basebenzi Investment Pty Ltd, hereinafter referred to as “Basebenzi”, in partnership with Shandu Financial Solutions, hereinafter referred to as “Shandu”, with a view to ensure that all members of the Food and Allied Workers Union, hereinafter referred to as “FAWU”, and workers generally have access to and thereby covered for funeral benefits.
Therefore, Babereki has two share-holding concerns namely, Basebenzi (80% majority share-holder) and Shandu (20% minority share-holder).
Babereki, signed a profit-sharing agreement with Safrican Insurance Company, and formed a funeral scheme named the Food and Allied Workers Funeral Plan (FAWFP). In addition, Babereki is also a broker of FAWU Funeral Scheme (an identical scheme with FAWFP), which is administered by SALT/Thebe Employee Benefits.
Head Office
Floor 602; OPH Building
112 Main Street
Johannesburg 2000
TEL: (011) 336 - 0855
FAX: (086) 527 - 6999
EMAIL: info @
Useful info
- Sole provider of FAWU funeral scheme
- Registered Financial Services Provider
- Backed by over 120 000 FAWu members
- FSP Policy regulated
- Here to serve you...
Management Team
Katishi Masemola
Acting CEO Basebenzi and Chairperson Babereki
In 1995 Katishi Masemola joined FAWU as a National Negotiator and has remained in the union to date. During this period he obtain two post-graduate qualifications. These are a two-year part time post-grad diploma in economics and a six-month post-grad certificate in competition law with Wits University in 2002. He is busy with masters’ degree studies.
Simon Thupudi Mabunele
FAWU Benefits Coordinator
Phumlani Mbatha
Head of Business